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Do Online Writing Contests Really Give Away The Prizes?

One of the questions that every writer who is planning to sign up for the writing competitions online will have this question. Do the online writing contests really give away the prizes that they announce? It is rather difficult to establish this with 100% certainty without doing an adequate background check.

It would be imprudent to join any writing contest online without establishing that they actually give away the prizes that they have announced. Even if you are signing up for the free writing contests you need to make sure that the contest platform is a credible one and that they give away the promised prizes to the winners. To establish this, you need to run a quick online check using the name of the contest platform online. Those who have used the same platform would have shared their feedback and reviews. These reviews or ratings will help you get a clear picture on the credibility of the contest platform or the contest organizer.

If the contest organizer does not announce the winners or if the contest organizer does not give away the promised prices, users would have reported such issues online. That is why it becomes very important to get started with your screening process well in advance. You should not wait until the last minute to signup for the writing contests. Get started with the search for the best contest organizer with the help of the internet. You will be able to assure yourself that you are dealing with a credible platform by making these basic screening.

Do not worry, there are many reliable platforms out there and you just need to know where to look for them. By allowing yourself enough time to review multiple contest platforms you will be able to identify a reputed and honest writing contests platform that you could confidently use to improve your writing skills and also win exciting prizes in the process. Reputed platforms do give away impressive prizes that they promise. They support the community of writers by creating a platform where the writers could showcase their work. There are of course a few unscrupulous websites or platforms that try to take advantage of the innocent users. You should know how to find the most credible platforms by paying attention to the reputation and the history of the online contest organizer.


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